Clean, Exfoliate, Nourish
You can schedule a facial online or call us directly to schedule. To schedule waxing services please call us directly during normal business hours at (504) 896-1006.
Facial Services
We suggest booking a to-be-determined (TBD) facial. This allows time to assess your skin and decide which facial is best. You will also be educated on the best way to take care of your skin. A facial works best when it is part of an on-going program of skin care.
Waxing Services
Hard wax is used for both brazilian and bikini waxes. Hair must be 1/4″ for all brazilian and bikini waxes. If you are currently using retinoids (retin-A, retinol, tazarac, etc) as well as any alpha hydroxy acids, you must discontinue use one week prior to waxing.

Please see our cancellation policy if you need to cancel a facial or waxing service for any reason.